Cress 'Pennycress' - **NOT TO WA**

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Cress 'Pennycress' - **NOT TO WA**


Thlaspi arvense


Grow ‘Pennycress’ for its structural seed pods. The bright, clean apple-green stems are well branched and loaded with round, textural seed pods. As seed heads mature, they turn the color of wheat. This is a great filler for mixed arrangements and can be dried and used in wreathes and Winter bouquets. Succession planting is recommended if you want to ensure you have it for a long season.

SEED COUNT: 100 approx
Germination: 82% Lot 36301 Jul2023

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Seed Raising, Growing and Harvest Information

Plant Type Site Spacing Height Sowing
Days to
Days to
Annual Full Sun 5-10cm apart 75-90cm 5mm 7-14 days
@ 7-15 degrees
50-60 days

DIRECT SOW - From mid-spring onward, sow 5 seeds every 10cm. Keep soil moist as the seed germinates slowly. Thin to 10-15cm apart. Allow to flower and set seed

TRANSPLANT – Sow in small cells, 3 seeds per cell. Keep mist as seed is slow to germinate. Transplant out as small rosettes 1 cell/15cm.

HARVEST/VASE LIFE - Harvest after the top blooms and seeds are formed all the way to the tip. Expect a vase life of 10 days. To dry, hang upside down in a warm, dry place until firm.


NOTE – To ensure a steady supply, sow successively every 2 weeks. ‘Pennycress’ can become invasive if seed pods are not harvested.