Biodynamic Gardening Notes 19 - 25 October

The moon continues ascending this week - the earth breaths out. We see this as growth activity above the soil surface.  Growth forces and saps flow upwards more strongly and increase plant vitality.  Although germination takes place below the ground, it also takes part in this upward striving.  This is the time to spray horn silica preparation 501, cultivate at the appropriate constellation before sowing, harvest on an air constellation plants for medicinal purposes, flowers and plants for preparation making and field crops such as silage and hay (Biodynamic Resource Manual, 51-53). The moon is waning this week, with the new moon on Thursday 27th.  Try to plant those seeds that produce below the ground in an earth constellation sign during the third quarter which ends on Thursday 20th. The third quarter is also good for planting perennials, trees and shrubs.  The fourth quarter of the moon is favourable for cultivation, pulling weeds and destroying pests. Especially when the moon is in a fire sign (Riotte, 14).  Maria Thun emphasized that culivating on the constellation in which the plant you are trying to encourage lies, emphasizes that plant's qualities.  Based on her research, weed around your cabbages in a water sign, around your broccoli in a flower sign, around your carrots and root crops in an earth sign and around your corn in a fire sign.

The moon is in an air sign on Wednesday and Thursday until10:45. Air signs are favourable for flower plants.  These include all the plants, which are grown for their flowers, and where we want a long flowering time: garden flowers, medicinal and preparation flowers, bulbs and broccoli.

On Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 16:00, the moon is in a water sign. Water signs are favourable for leaf plants.  These include all the plants whose leaves we harvest: cabbages, cauliflower, parsley, coriander, lettuce, spinach, bok choy, silver beet, asparagus and fennel.

On Saturday at 16:00, it moves into a fire sign.  Warmth or fire signs are favourable for fruit plants.  These include all plants whose seed fruit we harvest: beans, peas, grains, cucumbers, squashes, lentils, corn, capsicums, rice, soya, tomatoes, zucchini, strawberries and fruit trees.

On Monday at 17:39, it moves into an earth sign until Wednesday 26th at 17:08. Earth signs are favourable for root plants.  These included all plants whose roots we harvest: carrots, parsnips, radishes, beetroot, celeriac, swedes, potatoes, onions and garlic.

The new moon coming on Thursday 27th is also the Perigee of the moon, when the moon is closest to the earth.  Watch for increase moisture, start of mildews and fungal infestations.  This moon is another "Supermoon" with wild weather worldwide (Keats, 26).  The man who coined the phrase "supermoon" has his own website discussing what it is and means.  Please visit Richard Nolle for more information.

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-Gardening Notes are compiled using Brian Keats Antipodean Astro Calendar; Maria Thun's Gardening for Life; Biodynamic Agriculture Australia's Biodynamic Resource Manual; Peter Cundall's The Practical Australian Gardener; Louise Riotte's Astrological Gardening; and the experiences and farm practices on Transition Farm

For more information about the Antipodean Astro Calendar, Biodynamic Planting and research and more visit Brian Keats' website at

For more information about Biodynamics and to purchase biodynamic preparations visit Biodynamic Australia at