CSA Autumn Share 2013 - Week #12 (18 May - 24 May)


WHAT’S IN THE BOX The following are the items being harvested this coming week.  Items and quantities in your box may vary depending on your harvest day and the total harvest of each crop.  The boxes are completely governed by what is ripe and ready for harvest and how much of it there is.  We endeavour to divide the harvest fairly.

NOTES ON STORING THE HARVEST Please check out our Vegetable & Fruit page on the website to find tips on maximizing the life of your veggies.

NOTES ON THE SHARE Broccoli – Harvesting heads from a new planting 'Marathon' and side shoots from previous plantings of 'Marathon' and 'De Cicco'. 'Romanesco' Broccoli - This is more like a cauliflower then a broccoli.  The lovely lime green spirals are tender with a slightly nutty flavor.  Delicious raw. Use as you would cauliflower or broccoli. The planting teases us with a few heads every week.  If you have something in your box that looks like an "Escher" painting with spirals inside spirals, its 'Romanesco'. Red Cabbage - 'Red Rock' Carrots – Harvesting 'Scarlett Nantes' orange carrots this week....have you noticed how the cold is sweetening the carrots? Cauliflower - The plantings of 'Green Macerata' and 'Sicily Purple' cauliflower are continuing to produce heads ready for harvest.  These plantings are not coming on uniformly so we are uncertain how many heads will be ready each week.  There is also a planting of white cauliflower heading up. Chillies - We will include 'Birdseye' chillies in your box if you request them.  Please email us if you would like them. Coriander – Bunch in every box. Kohlrabi – We are harvesting the 'Purple Vienna' Kohlrabi's this week.  The heat in April turned many of the swollen stems woody, a far cry from the succulent sweetness the ones we are putting in the boxes have after the first frost.  The full shares will receive them this week and then we can see how many remain.  Kohlrabi, eaten raw, has a huge amount of Vitamin C as well as trace minerals.  We will be planting more for the Spring share. Leeks – Harvesting the last of the ‘American Flag’ leeks. Lettuce – Harvesting lovely small heads of 'Brown Mignonette'. Mizuna – This is a Japanese mustard green. They can be mixed into salads, stir fried or added to soups. Expect a bunch of this or a bunch of 'Osaka Purple'. Mustard – Harvesting bunches of young 'Osaka Purple' mustard greens.  Expect a bunch of this or a bunch of 'Mizuna'. Parsnips – ‘Guernsey’. Clearing out the last of this planting. Peas – Harvesting 'Sugar Ann' Sugar Snaps. Rocket – The cold has added flavour to the rocket! 'Perpetual Gator' Silver Beet – Bunches of the young, tender green silver beet. Turnips – ‘Purple Top’ or 'Scarlett Queen'.

NOTES ON WHAT IS GROWING We loved looking at the colour in the boxes as we filled them on Wednesday- not sure if the grayness of the day made them glow more.  And in the field, the grayness really does make all the colour of the crops glow more!  And having had two light frosts before the clouds moved in, the Autumn crops are much sweeter! With two weeks left of the CSA, we are surprised with how much food is still growing.  If you are unsure how to get through what's in the box this week, pickle some of the cabbage and use it in the middle of winter.  Save some carrots for next week as this is their last week.  Make a stew with parsnips and turnips.  Roast your cauliflower and leeks with coconut oil and salt and savour their delicious flavour. Put the sugar snaps on the table and eat them all!!! Make a salad with the lettuce, rocket, mustard and red cabbage. Make a soup with everything that remains in your veggie drawer from last week. The perpetual gator will wait a week if you wrap it in paper towels...but with its lemony flavour, enjoy it with leeks in a tart.

With most the weeding finished for now, we are tilling, sowing cover crops, planting cauliflower for the spring and finalising what we will grow next year.  Have your say by emailing us at petercarlyon@gmail.com.

SEASONAL EATING - SHARING INSPIRATION Please keep sharing your inspirations.  As we really shift away from the light hungry, heat loving plants, I feel grateful to have had a summer harvest which blessed us with pumpkins, beans, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, corn - Which made the soil warm enough to grow our root crops for harvesting through the winter - and compost still rotting with the warmth.  True seasonal eating has lost its definition, due partly to the fact that the grocery stores and fruit and vegetable shops seem to have everything, all the time.  It is great to be a part of the re-awakening of eating with the season and I am enjoying compiling what that looks like for so many different families. So, please, delight us with your silver beet stews, cauliflower curries, broccoli soups and pumpkin, spinach and ricotta lasagnas!

RECIPE SUGGESTIONS Kohlrabi and Apple Salad We liked this recipe that I found on the internet.  Kohlrabi Avocado Salad Nikki Fisher of Whole food Mama included a Lamb Shanks and Barley Soup on her blog this week.  The recipe includes parsnips and turnips! Red Cabbage and Apple Salad

You can find more recipes by searching key ingredients on our website recipe page.